
Membership Registration and Renewal

SALAS membership is open to all individuals and
organisations in the field of Laboratory Animal Care, Research and Education.

  • SALAS Membership Fee: S$25.00 annually
  • Membership is valid annually.

(Please make payment yearly to enjoy the benefits of our membership.)


  • Own the nicely designed SALAS-EZ Link Member Card.
  • DISCOUNTED registration rates for SALAS sponsored local trainings, courses and scientific conferences.
  • Receive priority invitations for FREE WEBINARS or organized talks on laboratory animal research sponsored by vendors and SALAS affiliates in the region and in the world.
  • Special registration rates for OVERSEAS COURSES and conferences organized by SALAS partner associations.
  • Receive TIMELY Updates on international events, scholarship awards, research/training grants from SALAS partner organizations, shared newsletters and other happenings in laboratory animal research around the world.
  • The right to vote and serve the SALAS Leadership committee.

How to Apply ?

Membership will be subject to approval by the SALAS committee and your privilege will be possible upon verification of payment and membership status

Download the SALAS Membership Form  and fill in the requested information

Submit the completed SALAS Membership Form to

You will receive an acknowledgement email from SALAS to request for the payment

Make payment and become a SALAS Member!