Membership Registration and Renewal
SALAS membership is open to all individuals and
organisations in the field of Laboratory Animal Care, Research and Education.
- SALAS Membership Fee: S$25.00 annually
- Membership is valid annually.
(Please make payment yearly to enjoy the benefits of our membership.)
- Own the nicely designed SALAS-EZ Link Member Card.
- DISCOUNTED registration rates for SALAS sponsored local trainings, courses and scientific conferences.
- Receive priority invitations for FREE WEBINARS or organized talks on laboratory animal research sponsored by vendors and SALAS affiliates in the region and in the world.
- Special registration rates for OVERSEAS COURSES and conferences organized by SALAS partner associations.
- Receive TIMELY Updates on international events, scholarship awards, research/training grants from SALAS partner organizations, shared newsletters and other happenings in laboratory animal research around the world.
- The right to vote and serve the SALAS Leadership committee.